Geoff was left with Aphasia following his stroke.
What is Aphasia?
Aphasia is a language and communication disorder. Aphasia can affect a person's ability to understand speech, speak, read, write and use numbers. Statiatics show that it affects around 350,000 and around a third of people who have suffered a Stroke are affected by this disorder. Our Geoffers is one of them.
As a close friend of Geoff’s I can understand what Geoff is saying and my goodness has his dilect and speech improved dramatically since his stroke occurred on 28th March. Geoff‘s understanding is amazing but his speech as he will tell you is ‘hard’ and then sentences just don’t come out‘
One thing that irritates me and it’s not slightly it’s massively is people don’t give the affected person full credit for their understanding. Geoff has supported me through some extremely tough and rough times all whilst having Aphasia. He talked me through in this own way and I totally understood Geoff. If you know someone that suffers with this condition then promise me a few things...1) You give them time to digest what you’ve said 2) Let them have
their say 3) Find a way for you both to communicate effectively 4) Don’t think they don’t understand you!